1991, BBC Wildlife, page 236:Anyone who has watched, for example, a litter of otter cubs rolling about in an ottery tangle can hardly doubt that they're really having fun.
1996, Albert Goldbarth, Adventures in Ancient Egypt: Poems, Ohio State University Press (1996), ISBN 0814207146, page 23:this guy she's seen before with the . . . ferret? or mongoose? ... an ottery thing, whatever, on a clothesline leash. . . .
2006, Hans Kruuk, Otters: Ecology, Behaviour, and Conservation, Oxford University Press (2006), ISBN 9780191513725, page 79:Spraints consist mostly of food remains, such as fish bones, to which are added the fairly inconspicuous secretions of two anal glands, situated along the gut close to the anus; they produce the 'ottery' smell.