• Patter


    • RP IPA: /ˈpætÉ™/
    • Rhymes: -ætÉ™(r)

    Origin 1

    1610s, pat + -er("frequentative (indicating repeated action)"),

    Online Etymology Dictionary

    of (onomatopoeia) origin.

    Full definition of patter



    (plural patters)
    1. The soft sound of feet walking on a hard surface.I could hear the patter of mice running about in the dark.
      • 1907, w, The Dust of Conflict Chapter 7, The patter of feet, and clatter of strap and swivel, seemed to swell into a bewildering din, but they were almost upon the fielato offices, where the carretera entered the town, before a rifle flashed.

    Derived terms


    1. To make irregularly repeated sounds of low-to-moderate magnitude and lower-than-average pitch.The bullets pattered into the log-cabin walls.
      • ThomsonThe stealing shower is scarce to patter heard.
    2. To spatter; to sprinkle.
      • J. R. DrakePatter the water about the boat.

    Origin 2

    Circa 1400, from paternoster ("the Lord's prayer"),

    possibly influenced by imitative sense (above), Latin pater ("father"), from Proto-Indo-European *ph₂tḗr.

    Noun attested 1758, originally referring to the cant of thieves and beggers.



    (plural patters)
    1. Glib and rapid speech, such as from an auctioneer, or banter during a sports event.


    1. To speak in such a way – glibly and rapidly, such as from an auctioneer, or when bantering during a sports event.
      • MayhewI've gone out and pattered to get money.

    Derived terms

    Origin 3

    pat + -er("agent")



    (plural patters)
    1. One who pats.
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