1925, "Letters: Miners Well Paid?," Pittsburgh Press, 21 June (retrieved 21 Aug. 2010):A pen-pusher in a Sixth ave. office said a coal miner is paid well. I asked him if he ever dug coal. Oh no!
1988, Trip Gabriel, Russia's Troubled Superstar," New York Times, 28 Aug. (retrieved 21 Aug. 2010):"I had to prove to people who were unimportant, who'd never achieved anything in their lives—the administrator, the pen-pusher—that I could fight."
2007, Ramanujam Sridhar, "A time to change," Hindu BusinessLine (India), 12 July (retrieved 21 Aug. 2010):Investors may have a lopsided view of the company’s reputation simply because an uncaring pen pusher in the finance department responded lethargically to an investor’s query.