• Penetration


    • UK IPA: /pÉ›nɪˈtɹeɪʃ(É™)n/Rhymes: -eɪʃən


    From Middle French pénétration, and its source, Latin penetrātiō, from the participle stem of penetro ("pierce").

    Full definition of penetration



    (plural penetrations)
    1. The act of penetrating something. from 15th c.Any penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.
    2. Specifically, the insertion of the penis (or similar object) during sexual intercourse. from 17th c.
    3. The act of penetrating a given situation with the mind or faculties; perception, discernment. from 17th c.
      • 1817, Walter Scott, Rob Roy, XVI:my observations of her looks and actions became acutely sharpened, and that to a degree which, notwithstanding my efforts to conceal it, could not escape her penetration.
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