• Piquant


    • IPA: /ˈpiː.kÉ™nt/, /ˈpiː.ËŒkɑːnt/, /piː.ˈkɑːnt/


    Middle French piquant ("pricking, stimulating, irritating"), from Old French piquer ("to prick, sting, nettle"). Related to pike.

    Full definition of piquant



    1. Engaging; charming.
    2. Favorably stimulating to the palate; pleasantly spicy; stimulating.
      • 2000, Lynn Bedford Hall, Best of Cooking in South Africa (page 2000)These chops are baked in a piquant sauce containing fruit, honey, cinnamon, lemon and port, all of which reduces to a spicy syrup.
      • 2005, Clifford A. Wright, Some like it hot: spicy favorites from the world's hot zonesElsewhere in South America, excepting Bahia in Brazil, one does not encounter piquant cuisine, although one may stumble on a piquant dish now and then...
      • 2009, Sara Engra, Katie Luber, Kimberly Toqe, The Spice Kitchen: Everyday Cooking with Organic Spices (page 9)French charcuterie relies on cloves in the quatre épices, or four-spice powder, for seasoning fine sausages and piquant marinades.
    3. (archaic) Causing hurt feelings; scathing.
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