1965, Edwin Gilbert, American chrome"Christ" — he yawned — "Christ, what the hell is everybody getting so pisspants scared and nervous for? Vince Eames is what? A crook? So?...
1983, Oakley M Hall, The children of the sun"You take the part of this pisspants priest against your comrades?" "I do, Caballo!" The old corporal lurched at him with a speed that took him off guard.
2002, Evan Hunter, The Moment She Was GoneHer eyes are blazing the way they had that night long ago, when she called my sister a little pisspants. I expect another bowl of mashed potatoes on my head...
2006, Ed McBain, Fiddlers"I'll pay them when I get my allowance." "Lorraine, you stole that nail polish." "Don't be such a pisspants," Lorraine said sharply.