• Plastogamy


    - + plasto + -

    Full definition of plastogamy



    1. Synonym of en
      • 1894, Herbert P. Johnson, The Plastogamy of Actinosphaerium , The significance of plastogamy is still very obscure, and it is extremely probably that it is not the same in all cases.
      • 1964, Sir Edwin Ray Lankester , A Treatise on Zoology, The frequent occurrence of plastogamy between adult individuals makes it very possible that all the nuclei in the same body may not be of the same origin; and therefore the formation of the primary cyst-nuclei by the fusion of two others might, in many cases, at least, mean the fusion of nuclei originally produced in different individual bodies (Schaudinn).
      • 1973 , John D. Hopkirk , Endemism in Fishes of the Clear Lake Region of Central California , The presence of these in the pseudopodial bolus might conceivably be the stimulus for plastogamy or at least be an indication of the receptive condition of the organism.
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