• Plum-colored

    Alternative forms

    Full definition of plum-colored



    1. (American spelling) Of a dark bluish-red color, the color of some plums.
      • 2002 November 8, Midge Shusta, Tsali’s Hatchet Chapter Moon of the Green Mountain Mornings, On hind legs, with threatening yellow fangs and matted belly fur in her face, the bear swatted at her as if she were an insect. Gasping, nearly overcome from evading the swinging claws, she thrust the fork into the plum-colored mouth.
      • 2012, w:William Landay, w Chapter Running, I found Patz’s car, a rusting plum-colored late-nineties Ford Probe whose description I remembered from Patz’s file, among the details Paul Duffy had begun to gather.
      • 2014, w:Tessa Harris, The Lazarus Curse Chapter 34, It was easy to spot a man in a red jacket in among all the black. It was more plum-colored than red, she thought to herself, but she was relieved to find that its wearer had the appearance of a real gentleman, who obviously took great care with his dress.
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