• Plumbum


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    Full definition of plumbum



    1. Lead.
      • 11 August 1846, L. Woodruff, Dr. Ingall’s Case of Tumor, He says that “in a tumor which bore a strong resemblance to an osteocele, of a most intractable character,” the pain was soon relieved and the tumefaction disappeared, after the use of two globules of plumbum, and then asks if the infinitesimal dose of plumbum produced its resolution; ...
      • 15 November 1916, Fritz C. Askenstedt, Some High Blood-Pressure Remedies, My experience with plumbum has not been extensive, and the results, so far, not very encouraging, but it must be admitted that my employment of this medicine has been in the most hopeless cases. The lack of uniformity of action of plumbum, and the fact that the majority of a city population are daily subjected to its influence in minute doses through the water supply, may also account for an uncertainty of its therapeutic action.
      • 2016, Muchlisyam; Jansen Silalahi; Urip Harahap, Handbook of Sustainable Polymers: Processing and Applications Chapter Hemicellulose: Isolation and Its Application in Pharmacy, Rabbits were given 100 mcg of cadmium ions and 100 mcg of plumbum ions orally every 2 days for 2 weeks and then as much as 3 cm3 of it was drawn. The total of 1 cm3 was used to determine the levels of cadmium and plumbum in the blood.

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