• Polysyllabic


    • RP IPA: ËŒpÉ’l.ɪ.sɪˈlæb.ɪk
    • AusE IPA: ËŒpÉ”l.ɪ.sɪˈlæb.ɪk
    • GenAm IPA: ËŒpÉ‘l.ɪ.sɪˈlæb.ɪk
    • Rhymes: -æbɪk
    • Hyphenation: po + ly + syl + la + bic

    Full definition of polysyllabic



    1. (of a word) Having more than one syllable; having multiple or many syllables."Antidisestablishmentarianism" definitely qualifies as a polysyllabic word.‘Polysyllabic’ is a polysyllabic word.
    2. (of spoken or written language) Characterized by or consisting of words having numerous syllables.I have a particularly off-putting predilection for the utilization of ponderously polysyllabic linguistic constructions.

    Usage notes

    Authoritative sources disagree concerning the precise number of syllables needed for a word to count as polysyllabic. The references cited below variously stipulate anywhere from more than one syllable to four or more. In general usage, a polysyllabic word is a word which is regarded as lengthy and polysyllabic writing or speech is often regarded as elaborate, overly lengthy, or excessively complex.




    (plural polysyllabics)
    1. A word having more than one syllable
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