• Popper


    • RP IPA: /ˈpÉ’p.É™/
    • AusE IPA: /ˈpÉ”p.É™/
    • GenAm IPA: /ˈpÉ‘.pÉš/
    • Rhymes: -É’pÉ™(r)

    Origin 1

    From pop + -er("suffix forming agent noun").

    Full definition of popper



    (plural poppers)
    1. One who pops.
    2. (obsolete) A dagger.
    3. A short piece of twisted string tied to the end of a whip that creates the distinctive sound when the whip is thrown or cracked.
    4. A capsule of amyl nitrite for recreational use as a sexual stimulant.
    5. (fishing) A floating lure designed to splash when the fishing line is twitched.
    6. Either of a pair of interlocking discs commonly used in place of buttons to fasten clothing.
    7. A device that pops kernels of corn to produce popcorn.
    8. A stuffed and usually breaded jalapeño.


    Origin 2

    From Popper ("a brand name"), a brand name owned by Queensland United Foods; from 1978.



    (plural poppers)
    1. (Australia) A juice box.
      • 1997, September 5, Richard Harrowell , Advice on Skiing Europe , Again buy your own food - for lunch you get some tomato, some Jambon Fume (proscuitto) and a baguette along with some poppers and your have a feast.
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