• Præclude

    Full definition of præclude


    1. Obsolete spelling of preclude
      • 1654 (published in 1742), Lieutenant General Jo. Middletone, An intercepted letter of lieutenant general Middleton, to lieutenant col. Mac Gregour, in State Papers, 1654, December (3 of 4) from A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, volume 3: December 1654 – August 1655, page 42:YeÅ¿terday I called ane counÅ¿ell of warre, where we moÅ¿t Å¿eriouÅ¿lie weighed and fullie debated everie thinge relating to his majeÅ¿tie’s Å¿ervice, and having found that the treacherie and deÅ¿ertion of many of thoÅ¿e, who had joyned in it, and were eminently conÅ¿iderable, have reduced the buÅ¿ines to Å¿uch a condition, that we were forced to conclude it impoÅ¿sible now to carie it on with the meaneÅ¿t hope of advantage; and withall finding it very improbable, if not altogether impoÅ¿sible, to gett the advice of yourÅ¿elfe, and all the noblemen and officers, which we moÅ¿t earneÅ¿tly wiÅ¿hed in this Å¿ad exigent, that everie man’s judgment might have gone along with ours, without manifeÅ¿t prejudice in many reÅ¿pects: it was unanimouÅ¿ly concluded neceÅ¿sarie to Å¿end for a paÅ¿se for Å¿ome perÅ¿ons, to treat for the laying doune of armes with Monke, and to deÅ¿ire a ceÅ¿sation rather than fooliÅ¿hly to Å¿acrifice the lyves and fortunes of thoÅ¿e, who have moÅ¿t loyallie and noblie reÅ¿iÅ¿ted and contemned all difficulties, temptations, and diÅ¿couragements, and ar yet moÅ¿t willing to Å¿pend their laÅ¿t blood in this caus; and Å¿o in human appearance præclude as farre as in us lyes all future hopes of this kingdome’s libertie.
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