• Premier


    • IPA: /pɹɛmɪə(ɹ)/
    • Rhymes: -ɪə(ɹ)


    From Middle French premier (as an adjective), from Latin primarius.

    Full definition of premier



    1. Foremost; first or highest in quality or degree.



    (plural premiers)
    1. (politics, UK, Westminster system) The leader of the government in parliament and leader of the cabinet.
      1. (politics, UK parliament) The prime minister.
      2. (politics, Australia, Canada, South Africa) The government leader in parliament and leader of cabinet in a state or provincial parliamentary system.
    2. (politics, non-Westminster) The government leader in a legislative congress or leader of a government-level administrative body; the head of government.
    3. (nautical, slang) The first lieutenant or other second-in-command officer of a ship.

    Usage notes

    Often capitalised, especially when used as a title. In British English, prime minister and premier are interchangeable, while in Australia and Canada, the federal leader is the prime minister and the state/provincial leaders are premiers. The term prime minister is commonly a synonym also in non-Westminster system contexts



    1. To perform, display or exhibit for the first time.The composer invited all his friends when they premiered the movie he orchestrated, we got to see it before anyone but the crew.
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