• Pro-abort

    Alternative forms


    Contraction of proabortion/proabortionist.

    Full definition of pro-abort



    1. (US, politics, derogatory) pro-choice
      • 1987, " Thornburgh turns down Reagan offer", Gettysburg Times, 1987 April 29:In its newsletter, Defense of Life described Thornburgh as "pro-abort" and said Woods had no recorded abortion position.
      • 1989, " Abortion Battle: 2 Foes on Front Lines", The New York Times, 1989 July 17:As she stood outside the clinic on Saturday, she lamented the lost opportunities as the counterdemonstrators clogged the sidewalks. "They're the real lunatic, pro-abort people," she said



    (plural pro-aborts)
    1. (US, politics, derogatory) A person with pro-choice views.
      • 1992, " Utah Abortion Foes Seek to Elect Pro-Lifers to Keep Political Edge", The Salt Lake Tribune, 1992 January 23:The leader of a Utah anti-abortion group told those attending a rally at the state Capitol on Wednesday they should target the elected offices being vacated in 1992."If we lose the governor's seat to a pro-abort, then he can say there isn't enough money to support the abortion law. You must register to vote in 1992 so you can vote those pro-aborts out of office and keep them out," said Rosa Goodnight


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