• Prognostic

    Alternative forms


    From Medieval Latin prognosticus, from Ancient Greek προγνωστικός (prognostikos, "foreknowing"), from πρό- + γνωστικός (gnostikos, "of or for knowing, good at knowing"), from γιγνώσκω (gignosko, "to learn to know, to perceive, to mark, to learn").

    Compare French pronostic ("prognostic").

    Full definition of prognostic



    1. Of, pertaining to or characterized by prognosis or prediction.



    (plural prognostics)
    1. (rare, medicine) prognosis
    2. A sign by which a future event may be known or foretold.Careful observers may foretell the hour(By sure prognostics) when to dread a show’r.While rain depends, the pensive cat gives o’erHer frolics, and pursues her tail no more. Jonathan Swift
    3. A prediction of the future.
      • MacaulayThe choice of a successor was no light matter. That choice would inevitably be considered by the country as a prognostic of the highest import.
    4. One who predicts the future.
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