• Programmer


    • RP IPA: /ˈpɹəʊɡɹæmÉ™/
    • GenAm IPA: /ˈpɹoʊɡɹæmÉš/


    {1} + -er.

    Full definition of programmer



    (plural programmers)
    1. One who writes computer programs; a software developer.
    2. One who decides which programs will be shown on a television station.
    3. A device that installs a software program into some other machine.
      • 1999, Peter Spasov, Microcontroller technology, the 68HC11‎The EPROM programmer burns the data into the EPROM chip. When programming is completed, remove the EPROM chip and plug it into the circuit...
    4. A short film feature as part of a longer film program, a "B-movie" (now rare)
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