• Prostration

    Full definition of prostration



    (plural prostrations)
    1. The act or condition of prostrating (lying flat) oneself, as a sign of humility.
    2. A part of the ordination of Catholic and Orthodox priests.The ordination ceremony includes a variety of rituals, rich in meaning and history, e.g., the prostration, laying on of hands, anointing of hands, giving of the chalice and paten, and sign of peace. — Diocese of Rochester, NY
    3. Being laid face down (prone).
    4. The condition of being prostrated, as from heat.
    5. A reverential bow performed in Middle Eastern cultures.

    Usage notes

    Outside of ordination, prostration as a sign of humility has never been part of the Western tradition, but was present in the Middle-Eastern and Asian traditions.

    Derived terms

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