• Protean

    Pronunciation ,

    • UK IPA: /ˈprəʊ.tɪ.É™n/, /prəʊˈtiː.É™n/
    • US enPR: prō'ti-É™n, IPA: /ˈproÊŠ.tɪ.É™n/, /proʊˈtiː.É™n/


    From Ancient Greek Πρωτεύς, the Greek warden of sea beasts, renowned for his ability to change shape.

    Full definition of protean



    1. Exceedingly variable; readily assuming different shapes or forms.An amoeba is a protean animalcule.His plots and protean characters plunge readers into the world of fable, yet their universal appeal, as this biography shows, is deeply rooted in the particularity of Garcia Marquez’s own idiosyncratic early life...
    2. Of or pertaining to Proteus; characteristic of Proteus.
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