• Præcursor

    Full definition of præcursor



    (plural præcursors)
    1. Obsolete form of precursor
      • 1788, Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, volume XII, chapter LXIX, pages 243-244:In an age leÅ¿s ripe for reformation, the præcurÅ¿or of Zuinglius was heard with applauÅ¿e : a brace and Å¿imple people imbibed and long retained the colour of his opinion; and his art, or merit, Å¿educed the biÅ¿hop of ConÅ¿tance, and even the pope’s legate, who forgot, for his Å¿ake, the intereÅ¿t of their maÅ¿ter and their order.
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