1806, The British Critic, volume XXIX, page 431:“ Ah! welcome merry hour of dawn!The freÅ¿h breeze ruÅ¿tling thro’ the corn,The riÅ¿ing Å¿un’s præluÅ¿ive beamsThat dance in gold on glaÅ¿Å¿y Å¿treams,The goÅ¿Å¿amour’s fine Å¿ilvery threadThat lightly float o’er fieldâ€flower’s head,The dewâ€drops left by weeping night,That crown green leaves with beads of light,Now Å¿weetly Å¿well the peaÅ¿ant’s layAnd greet the blueâ€ey’d bluÅ¿hing day!