• Pseudointellectual


    -("false, fake") + intellectual

    Full definition of pseudointellectual



    (plural pseudointellectuals)
    1. Someone who pretends to be more intelligent than they are.

    Usage notes

    Usage is fraught, and pseudointellectual may be used as a general term of abuse for intellectuals one dislikes or disagrees with. Nevertheless, in more careful use a rather clear distinction is drawn:

    See the Sydney Harris reference for detailed criteria. a pseudointellectual is someone dishonestly or insincerely using the language, style, or topics of an intellectual, but who lacks the goals, morals, or ability of a “genuine” intellectual. It is someone who acts pretentiously and wishes to win an argument or impress, rather than modestly trying to find the truth – a focus on surface and rhetoric over content. These often involve a superficial understanding of a subject and condescension to the audience, as well as possible self-delusion (not being consciously dishonest, but rather sincerely thinking themself to be behaving as a genuine intellectual despite their incompetence).




    1. Pretentiously or insincerely intellectual. Nonsense.
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