Hmmm, maybe I could get....hmmm, not sure how I'm going to get gradual light changes for the little girls....hmmm...m-u-s-t m-a-k-e b-r-a-i-n w-o-r-k!! B-u-t i-t'-s t-o-o-o h-a-r-d!!! gasp!!!! gasp!!!-EmilyJust a girl with her fair share of psychomological problems!
2002 November 2, "Stuart Baldwin" (username), "camelbac hydration", in uk.rec.walking
I agree with Paul about the psychomological advantages of having a warm drink to hand and would suggest that the OP try to find room in his pack for a flask.
2008 December 30, "Hoots" (username), "I look for penpals", in soc.penpals