• Pullback


    pull + back

    Full definition of pullback



    (plural pullbacks)
    1. The act or result of pulling back; a withdrawal.
    2. (film) The act of drawing a camera back to broaden the visible scene.
    3. That which holds back, or causes to recede; a drawback; a hindrance.
    4. (architecture) The iron hook fixed to a casement to pull it shut, or to hold it partly open at a fixed point.
    5. (finance) A reduction in the price of a financial instrument after reaching a peak
    6. (category theory) The limit of a corner of arrows, which is a pair of arrows sharing the same codomain.As a loose analogy, one could think of the pullback of a pair of eyes focused on the same object as being the 3-D image of that object produced in the mind which is employing those eyes.


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