• Pyx


    • IPA: /pɪks/
    • Rhymes: -ɪks
    • Homophones: picks, pix


    Latin pyxis, from late Ancient Greek πυξίς ("box").

    Full definition of pyx



    (plural pyxes)
    1. the small container used to hold the consecrated bread of the Eucharist
      • 1922, James Joyce, UlyssesAnd at the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it. Dringdring! And two streets off another locking it into a pyx. Dringadring! And in a ladychapel another taking housel all to his own cheek. Dringdring!
    2. A box used in the British mint as a place of deposit for certain sample coins taken for a trial of the weight and fineness of metal before it is sent from the mint.
    3. (nautical) The box in which the compass is suspended; the binnacle.
    4. (anatomy) pyxis
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