• Radio


    • RP IPA: /ˈɹeɪdiˌəʊ/
    • GenAm IPA: /ˈɹeɪdiËŒoÊŠ/


    From Latin radius ("ray").

    Full definition of radio



    (countable and uncountable; plural radios)
    1. (uncountable) The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves.
    2. (countable) A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated signal as sound.
    3. (countable) A device that can transmit radio signals.
    4. (Internet, uncountable) The continuous broadcasting of sound recordings via the Internet in the style of traditional radio.



    1. (intransitive, transitive, ambitransitive) To use two-way radio to transmit (a message) (to another radio or other radio operator).I think the boat is sinking; we'd better radio for help.
      I radioed him already.
      Radio the coordinates this time.
      OK. I radioed them the coordinates.
    2. (transitive) To order or assist (to a location), using telecommunications.
      • 2002, Jack Dave, Death Bridge, iUniverse, ISBN 978-0-595-21407-5, page 40:“Could you call them here? I'd like to talk to them. Or if they're out in the field, radio them in.”
      • 2006, Angie Morgan, Leading from the front: no excuse leadership tactics for women, When I told him that they weren't back yet, he asked if we could radio them back early ... Radioing them in was fine with me.
      • 2006, Kimberly Johnson, Amy's Secret, When she arrived, she was told that Tad wasn't there and to have a seat and wait while they radioed him in.


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