• Refresh


    • UK IPA: /ɹiˈfɹɛʃ/
    • Rhymes: -ɛʃ


    From Old French refrescher (French: rafraîchir)


    1. To renew or revitalize.Sleep refreshes the body and the mind.
    2. (computing) To reload a document and show any new changes, especially a webpage on the internet.
      • 2007, Beth Harbison, Shoe Addicts AnonymousShe refreshed the page. She was still the high bidder. Good.
    3. (computing) To cause (a web browser or similar software) to refresh its display.
      • 2007, Philip C Plumlee, Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)You can save your code, refresh your browser, and see a change instantly. This simple trick turns a lowly web browser into a development environment ...
    4. To perform the periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, etc.


    Full definition of refresh



    (plural refreshes)
    1. The periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, etc.
    2. (computing) The update of a display (in a web browser or similar software) to show the latest version of the data.
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