• Reprise


    • IPA: /ɹɪˈpɹiːz/



    (plural reprises)
    1. A recurrence or resumption of an action.
    2. (music) A repetition of a phrase, or a return to an earlier theme.
    3. (fencing) A renewal of a failed attack, after going back into the on guard position.
    4. A taking by way of retaliation.
    5. (legal, in the plural) Deductions and duties paid yearly out of a manor and lands, as rent charge, pensions, annuities, etc.; also spelled reprizes.
    6. A ship recaptured from an enemy or from a pirate.

    Full definition of reprise


    1. (obsolete, transitive) To take (something) up or on again.
      • Spenser Faerie Queene, II.xi:How to take life from that dead-liuing swaine,
        Whom still he marked freshly to arize
        From th'earth, & from her wombe new spirits to reprize.
    2. To repeat or resume an action
    3. (obsolete) To recompense; to pay.
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