• Resident


    • IPA: /ˈɹɛzɪd(É™)nt/


    From Middle English, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin residens, past participle of residere ("to remain behind, reside, dwell"), from re- ("back") + sedere ("to sit").

    Full definition of resident



    (plural residents)
    1. Person, animal or plant living at a location or in an area.
      • 1898, Winston Churchill, The Celebrity Chapter 4, Mr. Cooke at once began a tirade against the residents of Asquith for permitting a sandy and generally disgraceful condition of the roads. So roundly did he vituperate the inn management in particular, and with such a loud flow of words, that I trembled lest he should be heard on the veranda.
    2. A bird which does not migrate during the course of the year.
    3. A graduated medical student who is receiving advanced training in a specialty.
      She's a resident in neurosurgery at Mass General.
    4. A diplomatic representative who resides at a foreign court, usually of inferior rank to an ambassador.

    Derived terms



    1. Dwelling, or having an abode, in a place for a continued length of time; residing on one's own estate.resident in the city or in the country
    2. Based in a particular place; on hand; local.He is our resident computer expert.
    3. (obsolete) Fixed; stable; certain.
      • Jeremy Taylorstable and resident like a rock
      • Davenantone there still resident as day and night
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