• Resurface


    - + surface

    Full definition of resurface


    1. (intransitive) To come once again to the surfaceHis body finally resurfaced after three years underwater.
    2. (transitive) To provide a new surface, to replace or remodel the surface of something, or to restore a surface. To put a new coating or finish on a surface.A zamboni is a big machine that resurfaces ice at a rink so it is smooth as glass for the skaters.
    3. (intransitive) To arise or become evident again. To re-occur or reappear.
    4. (transitive, rare) To make something reappear.
      • 1991, Fall, Vigen Guroian, Armenian genocide and Christian existence., Tourian's poem exhibits a central strand of the Catholic tradition which has been suppressed in Armenian religious life but needs to be resurfaced.
    5. (of a person) To come out of hiding or obscurity.
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