• Revoke


    • Rhymes: -əʊk


    Latin revocare, re- + vox

    Full definition of revoke


    1. (transitive) To cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversingYour driver's license will be revoked.
    2. (intransitive) To fail to follow suit in a game of cards when holding a card in that suit.
    3. (obsolete) To call or bring back; to recall.
      • SpenserThe faint sprite he did revoke again,
        To her frail mansion of morality.
    4. (obsolete) To hold back; to repress; to restrain.
      • SpenserShe still strove their sudden rages to revoke.
    5. (obsolete) To draw back; to withdraw.
    6. (obsolete) To call back to mind; to recollect.
      • SouthA man, by revoking and recollecting within himself former passages, will be still apt to inculcate these sad memories to his conscience.



    (plural revokes)
    1. The act of revoking in a game of cards.
    2. A renege; a violation of important rules regarding the play of tricks in trick-taking card games serious enough to render the round invalid.
    3. A violation ranked in seriousness somewhat below overt cheating, with the status of a more minor offense only because, when it happens, it is usually accidental.
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