2004, Andrew Klavan, Dynamite Road, She leaned forward, tilted her head, as if to get a rightways look at the snapshot herself
2011, Stacy Carlson, Among the Wonderful, Just get out of my way and I'll be rightways up and out of this cursed tunnel.
2012, Di Morrissey, Kimberley Sun, She began to lose her sense of perspective, what was rightways up or down.
In a normal or correct orientation.
2004, Ronne Hartfield, Another Way Home: The Tangled Roots of Race in One Chicago Family, Such hands could turn the unborn child rightways in the birth canal
2007, Robert Amos, Artists in Their Studios: Where Art Is Born, When I work on it rightways up, I am conscious of the figuration. When I work on it upside down, then I'm thinking of the space
2009, Tim Sandlin, Rowdy in Paris, I went out to the hallway to turn the mop bucket back rightways and consider the options.
1918, William Hay, The escape of the notorious Sir William Heans, Conapanny did not make at once east up the hill, but led a course slanting rightways over the shoulder, descending about four o'clock into the gully on the hinder side
1987, R. Conrad, Act of Writing, But the trees went uphill and down, turned leftways and rightways, without landmarks or anything to orient me with the tracks.
1997, Jack Womack, Elvissey, "They're trying to take out the tires," John said, wheeling rightways.
1878, Jean Middlemass, Peter Stott's Dream, Now, that is a thing as I never was asked for before, and don't rightways know what it be; if it's sealing-wax, it's welcome you are