• Rochet

    Origin 1

    Full definition of rochet



    (plural rochets)
    File:Sint-Salvatorskapittel Bruges Precious Blood 2008.JPG|right|thumb|A group of
    1. A white vestment, worn by a bishop, similar to a surplice but with narrower sleeves, extending either to below the knee (in the Catholic church) or to the hem of the cassock in the Anglican church.
      • 1600, Edward Fairfax, The Jerusalem Delivered of Tasso, XI, iv:Each priest adorn'd was in a surplice white,
      • The bishops don'd their albes and copes of state,
      • Above their rochets button'd fair before,And mitres on their heads like crowns they wore.
      • BurkeThey see no difference between an idler with a hat and national cockade, and an idler in a cowl or in a rochet.
      • A frock or outer garment worn in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

    Origin 2

    Probably corrupted from French rouget.



    (plural rochets)
    1. A fish, the red gurnard.
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