• Roil


    • UK IPA: /ɹɔɪl/
    • Rhymes: -ɔɪl


    Possibly from French Middle French rouiller ("to rust, make muddy"), from Old French rouil ("mud, rust"), from Vulgar Latin *robicula, from Latin robigo ("rust, blight")

    Full definition of roil


    1. To render turbid by stirring up the dregs or sediment of
      • To roil wine, cider, etc, in casks or bottles
      • To roil a spring.
    2. To annoy; to make someone angry.
      • R. NorthThat his friends should believe it, was what roiled him exceedingly.
    3. (intransitive) To bubble, seethe.
      • 2006, w, Internal Combustion Chapter 2, Throughout the 1500s, the populace roiled over a constellation of grievances of which the forest emerged as a key focal point. The popular late Middle Ages fictional character Robin Hood, dressed in green to symbolize the forest, dodged fines for forest offenses and stole from the rich to give to the poor. But his appeal was painfully real and embodied the struggle over wood.
    4. (obsolete, intransitive) To wander; to roam.
    5. (obsolete, UK, dialect, intransitive) To romp.



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