1579, A General Rehearsall of Warres, called Churchyard's Choise Chapter A Pirates Tragedie, Sometymes our coyne, could stop a gappe, And purchace pardon by a traine: But gallows lucke, and ropripe happe, At length was gwerdon for our paine.
2016, Ecocritical Shakespeare Chapter The Well-Hung Shrew, As we argued already, Shakespeare's representation of the rope-ripe shrew likely was inspired by abundant accounts of the well-hanged and well-hung shrewmouse.
1553, The Arte of Rhetorique, Therefore the reporting of our tale, may ſone appere plain if we firſt expreſſe our minde in plaine words, and not ſeeke theſe roperipe termes, which betraie rather a foole, then commende a wiſe man...
1611, May Day, Lord, how you roule in your rope-ripe termes.