• Rosary


    • IPA: /ˈroÊŠzÉ™ri/

    Full definition of rosary



    (plural rosaries)
    1. A series of prayers, usually made up of five, fifteen, or twenty decades of Hail Marys, each decade beginning with Our Father and ending with a Glory Be to the Father, sometimes including other prayers used in Roman Catholicism, and the Anglican, Lutheran, and Old Catholic churches.
    2. A string of beads used to keep track of repetitions in praying or mantras, and particularly in counting the prayers said in a rosary, by members of various religions or denominations other than Roman Catholicism such as Hinduism or the Anglican Church
    3. A series or collection, as of beautiful thoughts or of literary selections.
      • Jeremy TaylorEvery day propound to yourself a rosary or chaplet of good works to present to God at night.
    4. A coin bearing the figure of a rose, fraudulently circulated in Ireland in the 13th century for a penny.
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