• Running


    • Rhymes: -ÊŒnɪŋ

    Full definition of running



    1. Moving or advancing by running.
      1. Of a horse, having a running gait; not a trotter or pacer.
    2. successive; one following the other without break or interventionto be away two days running
    3. Flowing; easy; cursive.running handwriting
    4. Continuous; keeping along step by step.a running explanation
      • Miltona running conquest
      • HareWhat are art and science if not a running commentary on Nature?
    5. (botany) Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem.a running vine
    6. (medicine) Discharging pus.a running sore



    1. (informal) consecutively; in a rowMom's strawberry jam won the blue ribbon at the Holland County Fair three years running.



    (plural runnings)
    1. The action of the verb to run.His running of the business leaves something to be desired.
    2. The activity of running as a form of exercise, as a sport, or for any other reasonRunning is good exercise.
    3. That which runs or flows; the quantity of a liquid which flows in a certain time or during a certain operation.the first running of a still
    4. The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.


    1. Present participle of run
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