Shakespeare Merry Wives|act=IV|scene=iv|page=56|column=1|passage=Vpon a ſodaine, As Falstaff, ſhe, and I, are newly met, Let them dressed like "urchins, ouphes and fairies" from forth a ſaw-pit ruſh at once With ſome diffuſed ſong: Vpon their ſight We two, in great amazedneſſe will flye: ...
1672, John Lacy, The Old Troop: Or, Monsieur Raggou. As It was Acted at the Theatre-Royal, 'Twas in a Saw-pit then: yet when the Armies meet (I'l Å¿ay that for him) he will draw up as confidently, as if he would take a General by the Beard; and he will as confidently ride out of the Army before the Battel joyns: and if any man ask him whither he goes, he Å¿ays he is Å¿ent for Orders, Å¿o you hear of him no more; and the next day you find him as Å¿ure in a Saw-pit.
1701, III. Chartham News: Or A Brief Relation of Some Strange Bones There Lately Digged Up, in Some Grounds of Mr John Somner’s in Canterbury, By the way, it is obſerved that the nature of the Soil here and there, is ſuch, ſo looſe, ſupple, rotten and ſandy, that meerly of itſelf, it is apt to ſink and fall in; as was lately experienced by a Saw-pit, digg'd hard by, which after a little time by the Earths giving way on each ſide of it, fell in, and fill'd up itſelf.
Defoe Crusoe|page=135|format=full|passage=... I was full two and forty Days making me a Board for a long Shelf, which I wanted in my Cave; whereas two Sawyers with their Tools, and a Saw-Pit, would have cut Å¿ix of them out of the Å¿ame Tree in half a Day.