• Sayd


    1. (obsolete) Simple past and past participle of say.Remembrest thou what thou sayd yesternyght? Wylt thou abyde by the wordes agayne? — John Skelton — The Bowge of Corte http://www.luminarium.org/editions/bowge.htm (1499)What thou hast sayd to me. Ham. I must to England, you knowe that — Shakespeare, Hamlet (c. 1600)

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    1. (obsolete) said, mentioned earlierThe most excellent historie of the Merchant of Venice, with the extreme crueltie of Shylocke, the Jewe, towards the sayd merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh, and obtaining of Portia by the choyse of three caskets... — A history of the cries of London, Ancient and modern (1884)


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