• Scantling


    • UK IPA: /ˈskantlɪŋ/


    Alteration of scantillon, by association with -ling. Later senses also influenced by similarity with scant.

    Full definition of scantling



    (plural scantlings)
    1. (chiefly in the plural) The set size or dimension of a piece of timber, stone etc., or materials used to build ships or aircraft.
    2. (archaic) A small portion, a scant amount.
      • 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, Folio Society 2006, vol. 1 p. 204:For one may have particular knowledge of the nature of one river, and experience of the qualitie of one fountaine, that in other things knowes no more than another man: who neverthelesse to publish this little scantling, will undertake to write all of the Physickes.
      • Francis BaconSuch as exceed not this scantling, to be solace to the sovereign and harmless to the people.
      • MiltonA pretty scantling of his knowledge may taken by his deferring to be baptized so many years.
      • Jeremy TaylorReducing them to narrow scantlings.
    3. A small, upright timber used in construction, especially less than five inches square.
    4. (obsolete) A rough draught; a crude sketch or outline.
    5. (obsolete) A frame for casks to lie upon; a trestle.



    1. Not plentiful; small; scanty.
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