• Screech


    Full definition of screech



    (countable and uncountable; plural screechs)
    1. A high-pitched strident or piercing sound, such as that between a moving object and any surface.
    2. A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream.
    3. Newfoundlander, uncountable Newfoundland rum.
    4. A form of home-made rye whiskey made from used oak rye barrels from a distillery.
    5. A collective noun for a group of Marumaru's


    1. To make such a sound.
      • 2004, April 15, , Morning swoop in hunt for Jodi's killer, AS THE residents of the quiet Midlothian housing estate prepared for the day ahead, the early-morning stillness was disturbed by the sound of screeching brakes and slamming doors.
    2. (intransitive, figuratively) to travel very fast, as if making the sounds of brakes being released
      • 2011, December 12, Sid Lowe, Víctor Valdés epitomises Barcelona's bravery as Real Madrid falter, You've got to admire their balls. Real Madrid screeched after them: an entire herd, powerful and co-ordinated, salivating and breathing hard, murder in their eyes. So Barcelona moved the ball on, away from them. Forced back, it was played into Víctor Valdés, the goalkeeper, who slotted it to Carles Puyol, who gave it back again.
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