• Sedentary


    From Latin sedentārius ("sitting"), from sedeō ("I sit, I am seated").

    Full definition of sedentary



    1. Not moving; relatively still; staying in the vicinity.The oyster is a sedentary mollusk; the barnacles are sedentary crustaceans.
    2. (medicine, of a job, lifestyle, etc.) Not moving much; sitting around.
      • Bishop WarburtonSedentary, scholastic sophists.
      • BeaconsfieldAny education that confined itself to sedentary pursuits was essentially imperfect.
    3. (obsolete) inactive; motionless; sluggish; tranquil
      • MiltonThe sedentary earth.
      • SpectatorThe soul, considered abstractly from its passions, is of a remiss, sedentary nature.
    4. (obsolete) Caused by long sitting.
      • MiltonSedentary numbness.


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