• Sharpie


    From sharp + -ie("diminutive suffix").

    Alternative forms

    • (member of an Australian youth gang) sharp



    (plural sharpies)
    1. An alert person.
    2. (US, regional) A knowledgeable fisherman.
    3. (US) A swindler.
      • 1953, Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye, Penguin 2010, p. 102:Three booths down a couple of sharpies were selling each other pieces of Twentieth Century Fox, using double arm gestures instead of money.
    4. (US) A long, narrow fishing boat used in shallow waters.
    5. (birdwatching) Abbreviation of sharp-shinned hawk
    6. (Australia) A member of a violent, fashionably dressed youth gang of the 1960s and 1970s.
    7. A felt-tipped marker pen.
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