Small or inadequate; not generous, or of a garment, very small, light, or revealing.Have you ever seen such a skimpy bikini?They served a pretty skimpy portion of ice cream as the free birthday dessert.
(Australia, Western Australia) A barmaid who wears little clothing. From 1988.
2000, Australian Journal of Mining, page 2,It's a curious mix: weatherworn miners, fresh faced bankers, and a couple of g-stringed skimpies.
2007, Terry Carter, Lara Dunston, Perth & Western Australia, Lonely Planet, page 159,For an anthropological experience, the front bar at the Exchange Hotel provides a window into some locals′ lives at all hours of the day, with skimpies, TV sports and mine workers chain-drinking.
2010, Kathy Marks, Tears of the Sun, Robert Drewe (editor), The Best Australian Essays 2010, page 239,‘...There are thirty-two hotels in Kalgoorlie, and only seven would have skimpiesclad barmaids.’