• Skiver


    Full definition of skiver



    (plural skivers)
    1. One who uses a skive (or skives).
    2. A slacker.
    3. (dialect) A skewer.
    4. An inferior quality of leather, made of split sheepskin, tanned by immersion in sumac, and dyed, formerly used for hat linings, pocketbooks, bookbinding, etc.
    5. The cutting tool or machine used in splitting leather or skins.


    1. To skewer, impale.
      • 1863, Le Fanu, ,... 'it's I that wishes I could be sure 'twas malice, I'd skiver you, heels and elbows, on my sword, and roast you alive on that fire.
      • 1887, Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders,I'll finish heating the oven, and set you free to go and skiver up them ducks.----
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