• Skyrocket


    • UK IPA: /ˈskaɪˌɹɒk.ɪt/


    sky + rocket

    Full definition of skyrocket



    (plural skyrockets)
    1. A type of firework that uses a solid rocket motor to rise quickly into the sky where it emits a variety of effects such as stars, bangs, crackles, etc.
    2. (by extension) A rebuke, a scolding.
    3. (rhyming slang) Pocket.


    1. To increase suddenly and extremely; to shoot up; to surge or spike.
      • 2013-03, David S. Senchina, Athletics and Herbal Supplements, Athletes' use of herbal supplements has skyrocketed in the past two decades. At the top of the list of popular herbs are echinacea and ginseng, whereas garlic, St. John's wort, soybean, ephedra and others are also surging in popularity or have been historically prevalent.
    2. The shortage caused prices to skyrocket.


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