• Smail


    • US IPA: /ˈɛs.meɪl/, /smeɪl/


    From snail mail, patterned on email.

    Full definition of smail



    (plural smails)
    1. (Internet, dated) Conventional mail; snail mail.
      • 1996, May 24, Richard Eymann, SEEKIG HAPPY MEAL TOY TRADERS WORLDWIDE, To receive this list by smail send self addressed stamped envelope
      • 1997 November 18, “SteveH1491” (username), “Trick Int'l smail address?”, in alt.music.cheap-trick, Usenet.
      • 2000 August 5, “Robin” (username), “Re: Letter from india”, in uk.politics.misc and other newsgroups, Usenet:On a similar note just imagine if we could persuade companies that sending junk smail is hugely ineffective. All those people, using all that paper, printers, ink, postmen etc etc.
      • 2001, August 28, Tom & Rose-Marie Kerr, Custom Rubber Stamp Needed, I would require a copy of the original image either by smail or email (scanned image requirement - 600 dpi min
        jpg file) and the basic required size you would like the stamp/stamps to be.
      • April 26, Old Git, Shoom!, ... so when I get promoted I can promote my connection :-) It has now been ordered, I just have to wait for the connection pack to be sent by smail.
      • 2002 July 15, “Thor” (username), “Looking for Maisto On Track Diescast Trains”, in rec.models.railroad
    , Usenet:
      • If anyone knows a smail order or internet vendor who carries them, please let me know ¶
      • 2009, Robert, anybody ordering online?, You must give the seller access to your checking account, which is risky, or send funds via smail, which is slow.


    1. (Internet, dated) To send by conventional mail.
      • 1993, December 21, Patty Cravener, medline, You can retrieve the references and go to lib. to get the articles, order the articles to be smailed to you from NLM, or download them to your fax machine
      • 2002, May 27, Dick Harper, WREVEL: Lutefisk alert, I sent some key lime seeds to Davida last year by US Mail. IIRC, the cost of smailing few seeds was 4 or 5 bucks. --Dick.
      • 2002, November 26, Dan Logcher, how do I get rid of this pest?, He met her on IRC and she started emailing, then smailing, then calling on the phone
      • 2004, July 30, Al Firan RumaiDin, Re: ot! - ms office upgrades??, I eventually stopped trying this bloated crud, and rang the Department to smail me the docs.... I gave up and got a friend to get me the documents in person from that office.
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