• Somewhere



    some + where

    Full definition of somewhere



    1. In an uncertain or unspecified location.I must have left my glasses somewhere.I've hidden some candies somewhere.
    2. To an uncertain or unspecified location.He plans to go somewhere warm for his vacation.I have to go somewhere at lunch. Can I meet you at 2?




    (plural somewheres)
    1. Unspecified or unknown (unlocated) place or location.
      • 1986, Joel S. Goldsmith, A Parenthesis in Eternity: Living the Mystical Life, page 100:We have come from somewhere and we are going somewhere, but because life is an unending circle, we are again going to come from a somewhere, and we are again going to go to a somewhere, and this will go on, and on, and on.
      • 2008, Bill Watkins, The Once and Future Celt, page 283:A courting owl hoots in the somewheres of the night and another answers its call further off.
      • 2012, Thomas M. Kitts, Finding Fogerty: Interdisciplinary Readings of John Fogerty, page 6:... and it transports the person to a somewhere, a somewhere that the music dictates.
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