• Sourd

    Alternative forms


    , from , from , contraction of earlier subrigō. Compare source.

    Full definition of sourd


    1. To arise, issue or emerge; to give rise.
      • Elyot Governour|chapter=The Best Governance|page=11|passage=...wherby at the last shuld have sourded discention amonge the people, they beinge seperately enclined towarde theyr naturall souerayne lorde...
      • 1560, The whole PÅ¿alter tranÅ¿lated into EngliÅ¿h metre... Chapter w:Psalm 36, Foꝛ with the only be theÅ¿e welles of lyfe,
        Of frayle men ſpring but podels of myꝛe,
        From whom ſourdeth errour ⁊ croked ſtrife...
      • Nashe Saffron-Walden|page=71|passage=Cornead. The Å¿pirit of foolery out of this Archibald Rupenrope he Å¿hall never be able to caÅ¿t, were the nectar of his eloquence a thouÅ¿and times more Å¿uperabundant, inceÅ¿Å¿ant Å¿ourding.----
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