• Sparrow


    • IPA: /ˈspæɹəʊ/, /'spɛɹoÊŠ/
    • Rhymes: -ærəʊ


    From Middle English sparwe, sparowe, from Old English spearwa ("sparrow"), from Proto-Germanic *sparwô, *sparwaz ("sparrow"), from Proto-Indo-European *sper(w)-, *sper(g)- ("sparrow, bird"). Cognate with Dutch spreeuw ("starling"), Alemannic German Spar ("sparrow"), German Sperling ("sparrow"), Danish spurv ("sparrow"), Swedish sparv ("sparrow"), Breton frao ("crow"), Tocharian A spārāñ, Ancient Greek ψάρ (psar, "starling").

    Full definition of sparrow



    (plural sparrows)
    1. The house sparrow, Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers.
    2. A member of the family Passeridae, comprising small Old World songbirds.
    3. A member of the family Emberizidae, comprising small New World songbirds.
    4. Generically, any small, nondescript bird.
    5. (UK, chiefly London) A quick-witted, lively person. Often used in the phrase cockney sparrow.
      • 2005, Drama Faces: Martine McCutcheon, BBCProfessional cockney sparrow Martine has acted since childhood.
      • 1878, Ally Sloper's guide to the Paris exhibition, Charles Henry Ross, p. 54I take it there 's scarcely a happier fellow alive than your honest town-bred smoke-dried cockney sparrow.
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