• Spieler

    Full definition of spieler



    (plural spielers)
    1. A person that speaks fluently, glibly.
      • 1961, Vincent F. Seyfried,The Long Island Rail Road: A Comprehensive History,Two thousand men, women and children turned out for this giant excursion and danced and drank the day away while professional spielers extolled the virtues of the new metropolis and inveigled the unwary into investment.
    2. Hence, a person that loudly solicits customer crowds, a barker.
      • 1909, Jack London, Martin Eden, :"Bosco! He eats 'em alive! Eats 'em alive!" Brissenden exclaimed, imitating the spieler of a locally famous snake-eater.
    3. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) A swindler, a gambler.
      • 1891, Banjo Paterson, That a crowd of Sydney stealers,Jockeys, pugilists and spielersBrought some horses, real heelers,Came and put us through.
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